Monday 28 November 2011

epic concert was (not so) epic

So this my update about the concert I went to last night and the one word I can use to describe it is, sadly, average.

The show started off with the band Calling All Cars. A band that was so very lack luster that I can barely even remember there set anymore, which is never a good sign for a band you just watched. Next up was the incredibly confusing Fucked Up. To be honest from the moment this band came on stage i didnt no what the expect and through out the entire set i really didnt no what was going on. The set started strangely enough with a very big man coming out on stage and almost instantly taking his shirt off, apparently he was the lead singer but we didnt hear a not from him all night. For the entire set of Fucked Up the music was so loud ans the vocals were so low all I could hear was a dull growl, making the entire set just seem instrumental. Now an instrumental set I can live with but this music was just too fast paced for that. To make matters worse the lead singer then decided to go for a walk in the crowd, this is generally awesome but not when a fat guy is rubbing his man boobs on your face. The other problem with him going off into the crowd is, since we couldnt hear him sing and the band didnt really stop playing much, we didnt no when one song stopped and the other started. All in all it was a very confusing set to watch.

Next where Tenacious D. To me, they were the saviours of the day. They got on stage, had some fun and just generally played some great tunes. They played the classics, starting the set with Keilbasa and later playing,the much anticipated, Wonder Boy and Tribute. The two acted out little skits to make the songs fit sometimes, such as Jack rediculing Kyle about his playing on Keilbasa untill "Kyle Quit The Band". This was an excellent segway into Dude I Totally Miss You and then ofcourse Kyle Quit The Band. The highlight for me was hearing The D play Kickapoo and hearing Kyle Gass' rendition of the verse in the song originally sung by Meatloaf. The cool thing about this was i found myself thinking "wow Kyle actually sings... and well". Tenacious D also blessed us with a couple of new songs from there new forthcoming album, a song named Roadie ( a tribute to the roadies) and Deth Starr ( a song about the best way to save the planet; building a death star). Like I said, to me, Tenacious D were the highlights of the concert. Whether the fans were die hard fans or had never heard The D before everyone had a good laugh and really enjoyed themselves.

kyles pick
Tenacious D setlist

Now we get to the main attraction; The Foo Fighters. I gotta say I wasnt impressed. I found the start of the set to be slow, so slow in fact that it took them an hour and a half to really get the crowd going. But there were some highlights. Mine was the classic Stacked Actors the band out of nowhere finally filled with energy and it was just a fun song to hear. I especially liked how the screens at this point went to a classic 90s grunge video clip style of the cigerette burns and the interferance of an old movie screen. They played some more classics like Monkey Wrench but there was too much new stuff that just didnt inspire me. Though one thing i will say about the bad is, it was impressive to see a band play for 3 hours. Having said that for me it was too much. I did enjoy Dave and Taylors little act back stage about how many more songs they would play for the encore, starting at one and ending at 7. The encore was fun with Dave going out on the runway to the centre of the stage and dedicating the song Wheels to "the shitty seats" but even the encore for me went for too long playing too much new stuff that allot of people seemed very disinterested in. The Foos did finally redeem themselves tho, with there final song being Everlong. This is still my favourite Foos song and I loved getting to hear it live.

all the bands on stage
Dave enjoying a nice break while offering us mor and more songs
All in all the concert was good not great, the crowd was fun and the weather was interesting (somewhere between really sunny and raining) and i did have a good time. So until next time

Metal on my friends
The Oompa Loompa

Monday 21 November 2011

let's get this shit started

So I've been pressured into making a blog as a starting point of a career path into music journalism, thus you shall consequently hear my tremendous stories of metal exploits and the gigs I attend. Luckily for all of you, I am incredibly passionate about my music especially my live music so lets hope this is FTW.

I have attended near on 14 gigs this year including huge bands like Judas Priest and Motley Crue to local bands like Claim the Throne. I may share past stories of greatness or anger but I will always review the gigs I go to so lets just see how this goes.  So let's start with this year, a year that started with an amazing show that may not be everyone's cup of tea but regardless blew me away. The first gig I saw was the ever amazing STING and his symphonicity tour, and what a way to start a year and amazing voice and amazing showman. The songs were amazing and he always stopped to tell us little stories. It was a good relaxing way to start a huge year. Following that I was blessed to Rammstein in February with more fire than I have ever seen on a stage. What's better than seeing Til Leidman straddle a large pink cannon and shoot foam all over the crowd?

Next on the bill was the absolutley indescribebly FUCKING AMAZING Iron Maiden. Bruce Dickinson has a power over the crowd that few men possess and he trully knows how to use it. The man barely stops for a breath and every part of that band is pure unstoppable METAL!

I wont go into every gig I've seen because well that would take too long but one last story is one that all metal heads must learn to tell on there own. I made the pilgirimige to the holy Wacken land and there is nothing quite like it. I saw some of the greatest bands on earth converge on a farm in northern Germany and spent days drinking with vikings. It was the greatest thing I have ever experienced. The point is I've done some cool shit and, well, I've got some cool stories to tell and perhaps you will enjoy reading this as I shoot the shit about my one true passion. So for now im gonna leave it.

When next you hear from me, I will be discussing the amazing TENACIOUS D! So maybe I'll gain some followers, maybe I wont lets see how this goes so to those reading metal on my friends.

The Oompa Loompa.